Decoder installation on BR38 for N (1:160)
Flieschmann на BR38 в N (7159)
Used decoder Flieschmann without sound- NEM651 (6 pins).
Hollow blast of machine and tenders...
Remove weight from tender.
I made a long inspection because the space is very, very scarce. There is an option decoder to be put into tender,which is quite convenient, but must be cut coal on top and raised, and I finally refused. Another option is to be milled weight, but the decoder should be soinstalled today that it dropped ... And headed to the machine frame ... In the cavity to the lamp could not step in it. Behind the lamp in horizontal position did not inspire confidence because of bilateral protruding elements of the decoder and decided toshove (literally) in the rectangle between the screw holes for holding the hollow and the back wall, which required removing the little plastic from the back part of the screw axis . Be careful because the back is very thin and his face and the outer part of the cabin and there are many small items!
... and little insulation to avoid BUUUM
Unsolder Capacitor and coil and the cables (supply buses) between tender and locomotive (brown and black).
Discontinue bus that goes to the lamp, sorry the pictures are facing locomotive. Shear bus that left at light at the end dribble glue fixation, because there is only onesupporting point.
Solder the decoder:
Red and black from the power buses,
Grey and orange to the engine
White to light.
Yellow can be cut around the bottom ... I left him one day if I would put lights in theTender.
And here comes the biggest hell in this version of the decoder layout in hollow ...assembly. Requires very strong nerves, a hand surgeon ... and skillful mouth for fastdelivery of expletives ... and tiny tweezers for adjusting the cables. Watch the whitewire to lie between the two power plates. Close and first locomotive to be able pull out the cables to the tender later
And here is the result:
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